A little somethin' new to think about...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
When one is just a little more invested than the other - relationship style..
You've likely experienced this on one end of the spectrum or the other... because in MOST relationships, I believe one person is just a LITTLE more invested (or a LOT) more invested in a long term look out, than the other.
I've experienced this myself, or so I'm told, I 'think' that's the case but maybe it's really more equal than I perceive. That undying love, the unlimited adoration, that life long unwaivering committment because you just fall THAT hard for someone. Now, carrying that feeling on as the relationship flourishes is the KEY to what is ACTUALLY legitimate love and what is the mere 'newness' feeling.
I have also been witness to a difference in the level of 'investment' in a newer relationship. It sort of scared me because I saw myself.. but I think, if you don't put yourself out there and TRY, then you'll just never know what might have been. I believe it's those who are brave enough to bare their emotions who are willing to be open and invest the most.
But what if it is truly unbalanced? This is where the problems come into play. One person see's the relationship as "love" and the other sees it as casual dating. One person see's the future with a forever partner (not cowboy kinda pard'ner lol!), and the other see's a fuck buddy. One person wants to commit and the other does not.
The 2 biggest issues here are that people are either not honest or not 'completely' honest because maybe the situation fits their need at the present time... or the person who is so deeply 'falling or invested' is only seeing what they WANT to see and not the reality of the situation.
Let's not forget that PLENTY of people just 'settle' into a relationship because it's there, those are the ones I worry about - the ones who make you wonder if their toe may still be keeping the door slightly ajar...
That's my blabbering for today xo!
email me any ??'s, comments or topic suggestions at cheapchicktherapy@gmail.com
Thursday, October 4, 2012
So, I have a new blog at www.cheapchicktherapy.blogspot.ca
It's been a VERRRRRRY long while, come and visit me on a new and updated blog at www.cheapchicktherapy.blogspot.ca
See ya there!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Things that make women happy.... okay, THIS woman....

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Shows I like....

Sooo... I decided to write about something a little different. Just stuff ;o) Today, it's TV shows I looove! Here we go...
SURVIVOR - Easy, Jeff Probst is the host of all hosts - can you imagine ANYONE else in his place - ahhh no! However, I will say that my interest in this show depends entirely on the cast & over the years there have been better seasons than others. For the upcoming season I'm hoping to see Boston Rob mess with Russell - but really.. who doesn't miss Coach? I can't be the only one... loved to hate that guy!

CALIFORNICATION - the sexed up version of Mulder - okay, so Mulder's character couldn't be further from Hank's but if Duchovny does it for you - this show cannot be missed! Had I been described a show about a womanizing, drunk, semi-successful author I likely would have passed.. but Hank and his messed-up-self is totally lovable. Not to mention totally crass and hysterical. The sex and drugs is shocking and interesting at the same time - like being a voyeur in his whacked out life. This show is on HBO which I invested in specifically to watch this gem.

So... those are some of my fav's... just thought I'd share
Chick xo
Monday, January 24, 2011
Do you REALLY know what your partner wants??

So, you've been together for a while now right? Things are going along swimmingly - or so you think at least. What's KEY is knowing how to KEEP it that way - and the only person that depends on, is your mate. Assuming things are 'great' just because 'you' are happy can be risky.
I think, that after a while, people get complacent, comfortable and perhaps without even realizing end up taking things for granted. I mean, how OFTEN do you stop to think about the things that make YOUR partner happy? When was the last time you did something entirely focused on making your partner feel good?? Even if this crosses your mind, DOING IT is they key - and follow through doesn't have to take a lot of work - but it WILL go a long way ;o)
The thing that people don't do often enough is stop to consider what it is that would REALLY make their partner smile. Ladies, I'm sure many of you would SHOCK the pants off of your man if you initiated sex, tried a new position or wore something sexy to bed. Most guys would list 'anything to do with sex' as their top 5 requests right?! But that's not the ONLY way to focus in on making your fella happy. What's his favourite beer? Pick some up for him - have it in the fridge and he'll see you thought of him. When is the last time you sat and listened to his favourite music and reconnected without having the TV on in the background? I don't know ANY guy who would turn down a back rub either...
Guys, think BEYOND flowers here... what does she REALLY like? When you make her breakfast - but add a little something to that to show you're into her - even a sticky note can go a LONG way to making her feel loved. Give her some loving moments that DON'T necessarily lead to sex... (make a note here fellas - the more of these moments you give the more sex you'll end up having anyways - I SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!).
The REAL key here is actually knowing what it is that would make your partner feel good. Too many people think about that THEY want and not enough about what their PARTNER wants. If you want something in return, try giving it first. If you are always the one giving and you aren't getting the same appreciation in return then there's a problem. It doesn't take hours to make these little moments possible but it can benefit for a long time when you follow through. I think the relationships that go the distance are those that regularly show their appreciation to one another. Think about it, if you're happy where you are now - you'll be glad you did...
Chick xo
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
taste test...

Friday, May 21, 2010
The drive of a man ~ female style ~