My initial reaction to learning about the existence of female squirting was 'euwwww gross!'... Oh, how ignorant I was to the pleasures of the liquid of love ;o) My bf was the educator in this case and I just assumed that 'my body didn't do that' sorry! And really, who would want the sheets soaked? (remember, I hadn't tried it yet)...
So, we tried.. apparently there is a 'spider man' type of move.. best described as giving a peace sign with your fingers and curling them inward towards your palm.. then stroking gently to coax the squirt for release. And one day... all of that teasing of my g-spot finally brought me the sweetest eruption of clear fluid that squirted like a sprinkler onto my bf's chest.. and it was SO GOOD!!
From that point on.. I was hooked (kinda like the shape of the finger position my bf had to encourage the squirt after all!)...
If you want to try this with your partner I highly suggest it.. and be patient.. and gentle.. it may take a while to perfect. Insert your fingers into your woman.. two fingers preferably.. separate your fingers about an inch apart.. feel around for her g-spot which should feel like a spongy/walnut sized spot on her inner vaginal wall (towards her tummy). Once you find this spot.. gently massage it.. make sure she's turned on.. slow & steady wins the race here boys!!! If you are doing it right, you may feel it start to slightly grow or bulge.. it's filling up with her squirt... Once you feel she's really turned on.. increase your massage movement and add some more pressure.. and continually press and release that built-up bulge.. the faster the more spray effect.. you may be pleasantly surprised!!!!
Squirting can show itself in many ways.. sometimes it's just a slow gush of clear fluid.. other times it's a lavish spray - chances of that happening increase when your woman pushes down with her stomach muscles when you are beginning to spray her.. We've even gotten to the point where my bf will work the spot during foreplay.. and just by riding him it'll trigger my g-spot into gushing/spraying all over him - makes for a deliciously slippery ride that you won't soon forget!
It's not the SAME as an orgasm.. but can be just as pleasurable and intense.. It's also NOT pee from what you may hear.. and the p.rn that shows girls spraying for miles.. chances are they have been filled with water (give or take Cytheria)... it's tasteless for the most part.. and it's clear.. and any extra lube is always fun!!!
My new goal... work it out on myself... to put on a show for my fella ;o)
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Happy squirting~~~~~
Cheers xo!