It isn't marriage or kids or money stresses or family that tears a couple apart. It's allowing all of those issues to be the excuse. A marriage truly falls apart when you stop enjoying the one you are with. THAT is when all of the other issues are easy to blame. If you are not having sex, you are not enjoying one another as you should.. If you are not sharing your free time together (and wanting to).. you are not enjoying one another. Take it as a red flag once you stop wanting to flirt with one another. It's easy to say what's wrong... what's not easy is investing and believing in what you want your relationship to be - which has to be a two way street... if it isn't... MOVE ON. Easier said then done, always! But, if you want your life to be a happy one, isn't it worth finding the person who will give you what you want.. the person who should also be the one you WANT to give everything you have to.
Make your connection a priority. Always.... Never let that change.... and you too, may be one of the 'minority' who can manage to stay happy for the long haul.
Spend your free time together, enjoy one another, laugh often.... when you are with the right person... all of these things should seem effortless... because they just 'are'.
I'll blog at'cha more often in the days to come... email any topic suggestions or questions to chicktidbits@live.ca, subscribe, vote!!!
Cheers xo!
Miss. Chick