So one day a little blue pill came into our lives... I wasn't quite sure what to expect, would his erection fling out of his jeans and slap me in the face right after he swallowed it?! lol!? Seriously.. a little part of me wondered how much control this pill would have over my man?! It was like waiting to see what Santa brought me on Christmas morning (picture hands rubbing together and salivating at the anticipation!!). Fear not my dear friends, viagra doesn't wallop you with an uncontrollable erection upon initial ingestion. It still requires that you have the desire to be 'turned on' which is ultimately in your control. Once you do have the opportunity to feel aroused however, viagra does not disappoint ;o)
Now, we just used viagra to *play* not for any dysfunction type of situation. Our experience was merely that of, "lets see how much fun we can have with THIS" lol!! I do consider myself a bit of an erection expert ;o) and viagra did ROCK my world when I was presented with the FULL EXTENT of it's capabilities. Now, anyone who reads this blog regularly knows that I am in a very sexually active relationship - but the best way to compare the benefits of viagra would be to say - if you hadn't had sex in a while and you were just EXTRA JACKED UP - those are the times when you are just 'that much more erect' - that's what it's like to experience viagra. You are very easily turned on and the blood flow to your penis is at FULL CAPACITY!! Experiencing sex when you are just 'that much harder' is beneficial to you and your woman. We had a LOT of fun with our first viagra experience - and for those women out there who like to go several rounds (guilty as charged!!) viagra provides your man with means to go like the Energizer Bunny!!! Even into the next day we found it was very easy to coax a full on erection to come out and play ;o)
Now, this isn't something I would use regularly. I figure, most guys really don't need it unless they are experiencing erectile dysfunction. Most of the time, guys seem to be hard up when it comes to sex (no pun intended) so they usually don't have much trouble getting aroused at the thought of having sex. if you have sex almost daily well then viagra is fun to throw in there once in a while for a little 'kick'. I figure viagra is best used for it's advertised purpose - generally for older guys who might want to experience the rigidity in their erections that they experienced when they were 18 ;o) - - - Ladies!! Pay attention here, you receive the love and experience of your man (in his yonder years) with the added bonus of his 18-year-old hardness!!! For me, it was a BLAST. Not anything necessary because I enjoy sex with my man however he dishes it - but - it's always fun to play and mix up the spice.
And for the record - in comparison to Christmas morning - SANTA CAME THROUGH - I must have been a very, very good girl because when I unwrapped my present - it was MAMMOTH and EXACTLY what I wanted ;o)
Email any topic suggestions or questions to chicktidbits@live.ca subscribe to this blog, vote, comment and come (back) often!!!
Here's to maximum capacity blood flow - I love you Viagra!!!
Chick xo
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