A little somethin' new to think about...

Welcome to the blog of a chick who feels best while strutting in heels ;o)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What men want women to know....

I was reading an article about amazing husbands or something like that and one of the sections identified what the men wanted women to know about MEN... I thought these points were vital!

What he wants women to know about men:

"We're different than you! Also, I think it's important to realize that marriage won't change a person. You're marrying the man in front of you, so make sure you can accept him as he is."

~SO TRUE!!!!! Side note here: After watching ‘Bride Wars’ last night I can sure tell ya that there are WAYYYY too many women who get caught up in the wedding and don’t realize that’s the START not the PURPOSE. Weddings last a day, marriages are meant to be for a lifetime.. Whether dating or marrying – never be out to change someone – would you want them to change you???

"We're not really that complicated, so you don't need to overanalyze us. There aren't usually five meanings behind everything we say. We're pretty straight-forward."

~I am so freaking guilty of this one – women think about 10 different things at once on a dull day – it’s easy to fall into over-analyzation mode!!

"I can't speak for all men, but for me, the small gestures, like a 'thanks' or a hug, are significant. They're simple reminders that I'm appreciated and loved."

~This one goes for women too – everyone likes to feel appreciated – and it’s the little gestures that count!

"We can't read minds. We're simple creatures, and we need to be told what to do. If there's something that needs to be done, just tell us!"

~You see, EVERYONE knows that no one can READ MINDS but sometimes I am sure we expect that without even realizing it... so, definitely a good point to consider ;o) I know I’m not the only one who has thought ‘can’t you SEE what I mean?!’ but NO, he can’t – he’s not YOU!! Oh yeah.... (insert red face here)...

"The stereotype that men only want one thing — and I think you know what that is! — isn't always true,"
Okay, well, all but that last one – I mean c’mon..... who is he trying to convince?? Probably buttering up his lady love so he WILL get some more action lol!
I think the truth in that tip is that men don't only want one thing - they want oral sex too lmao!!!! I can safely say that because I am wired like a fella in that dept ;o)
What do you think?? Got any tips for women to add here?? Tips for men?? Share in the comment section.. vote on the poll above.. email me at chicktidbits@live.ca
Chick xo

Friday, July 17, 2009

Playful sex.... taking the reigns...

Isn't it fun to shed the 'work/parent' mode once in a while and bring out the sexually charged playful side?? To get to that place where you don't think about the project you have to work on tomorrow, or cleaning up after the kids - that place where your mind is taken over by the playmate in you ;o)

Even without the final sex act in mind.. I just love to tease and be playful and giggle and touch.. whisper in my fella's ear - naughty little tid bits that ever-so-often cross my dirty little mind ;o) Being at ease with flirting - it's all about the flirt - being playful with your partner is guaranteed fun - and if you do it well - a guaranteed score lol!!

This is what happens when you allow your mind to be clear - which it should be - in those intimate moments. After all, when your mind is clouded by other things you really aren't THERE for your partner or yourself... I'm sure we can all vouch for that! We all have stresses in our lives but if you're going to indulge in having sex, do yourself a favour, regardless of what else is happening in your life, clear your mind and let the sparks fly!!

If you've read this blog before you'll know I feel routine sex can get dull - so spice it up and keep it interesting - you'll both benefit from this. The best orgasms come from places where you hold no inhibitions. Sometimes that means you take control of how the session goes - push him down, do what you want to do to him... and other times, let him take the reigns ;o) Believe that you are sexy and you'll both get off a lot more intensely ;o) Or even better, have sex come out of nowhere - on a night where you weren't 'planning' for it - and it just suddenly comes over you.

Everyone likes it when their partner pursues them - who doesn't want to feel wanted right???? Now, how you go about it has a lot to do with the response you'll get - I mean, don't grab your partner right after their work is done for the day - allow for some 'chill' time - then go for it!! You'd be amazed how a little back rub can turn into a night of pleasure!!!

Keep it kinky!! Go out of your comfort zone or routine and be spontaneous once in a while - you'll find you end up playing on a whole other level and I know you'll like it!!

Email me your thoughts or topic suggestions at chicktidbits@live.ca subscribe to the blog, comment, vote on the poll and come visit me often!!!

Chick xo

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cut or Uncut - my preference.........

I consider myself somewhat of a penis connoisseur ;o) And I know what I like. First of all unless a guy is unhygienic, penis is penis and it's ALL GOOD ;o) It seems that everyone has an opinion when it comes to circumcised vs uncircumcised. Now, I'm not going to delve into the medical mumbo-jumbo on this one - my point of view is simply regarding sex and attraction when it comes to a cut vs uncut fella...

I honestly can't believe people who have predisposed judgements when it comes to what TYPE of cock they prefer. I mean, all Va-jay-jay's certainly don't look the same now do they?? And overall, once you're having sex.. it ALL feels good - I mean, unless a guy is 2" long or a woman is so loose you'd get more sensation from a bucket of hot water.. on looks alone, the cock/pussy connection is always a good thing!!

I suppose we can all have our ideals - Personally, one of the highlights of foreplay for me is putting my lips around the forskin on the tip and using my lips and tongue to work it back over the tip.. knowing I'm the one exposing that sensation is such a turn on!!! There is definitely a whole WORLD of sensitivity on an uncircumcised guy that a circumcised fella will just never truly be privy to. It's natural, and I even get worked up just thinking about it... It's the sexy hoddie that ever-so-thinly keeps my favourite fuck toy wrapped up - I admit it, I love that outline - and it makes me want to unwrap it with animalistic urges ;o) (it's getting HOT in here!!!!).

Now, I have had the unfortunate experience with some not so fantastic peens too. I am not a huge fan of a guy who'se foreskin doesn't go back when he's erect. I mean, the tip is such a kinky part of the penis - having that hidden during sex it's like... well, like you're missing something!?! I also think a lot of women THINK they prefer a circumcised cock for hygiene reasons alone. Well ladies, cut or uncut an unhygienic peen is NEVER appealing. So, as long as it's clean (as us chicks should be too!!!) once hard, cut or uncut doesn't make much of a difference to look at. Having had sex with both cut and uncut guys I am of the belief that the sensitivity level of an uncut cock trumps that of their cut comrades. For any girl who doesn't like the look of an uncut penis, I sure hope they've taken a look at the bacon sandwich between their own legs lol!!! Looks can be deceiving ;o) All that matters, is that it FEELS GOOD!!!!

There is also a myth that the added sensitivity to an uncut fella means they won't last as long in bed. Ummmm.... how do I say this.... NOT TRUE!!!! Lasting is all based on control - having hold-back control is individually based and doesn't have anything to do with being cut or uncut. I'll never forget the 'cut' guy who came in his shorts when I kissed him - he certainly doesn't measure up to the guy who waits for my O's to hit double digits before he considers finishing ;o) I find that the exposure of a cut penis can make for a tip with somewhat less intensity.. constant exposure will do that.

So, for anyone fearing the hoddie fella - I hope I've opened your eyes... If you like the guy and the sex is good that's ALL that should matter - identifying who you'll date based on being cut or uncut is vain if you ask me.

Think what you will, the only facts that matter to me are the ones that get me off in the bedroom ;o)

Vote on the poll, subscribe, email me your topic suggestions at chicktidbits@live.ca comment and come (back) often!!!

Cheers xo!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

My personal man turn offs....

K, so here goes... things that I commonly find cause a gag reflex when it comes to some guys... In no particular order ;o) CHEAPNESS - that has GOT to be one of the biggest turn offs. Now, I'm not talking about wanting a guy who flaunts money - I'm ALL for a good bargain. I'm talking about guys who avoid picking up the cheque - or who don't bring a bottle of wine when invited to a dinner party - guys who never consider picking a little something up for their lady (and the same should be expected in reverse fellas!). The person who won't leave a half decent tip.. that sorta thing.

FACIAL HAIR that's another one of my 'icks'. Now, I don't mind the guy who wears facial hair and is committed to taming the beast - some guys can carry off facial hair when it's well kept - and by well kept - I mean minimal!! Ya know, that scruff that's 'in' right now - I'm on the fence over that one but as for a turn off - it's for the guys who wear the furry moustaches, beards, goatees - (insert fake puke face here) yeah, it's gross! Not only is it distracting when you are kissing - but who wants to kiss hair in the first place?!?!? ANYWHERE for that matter ;o) (nudge, nudge - wink, wink!!).
Another turn off is guys who are KNOW-IT-ALL's or UPPITY - Phaleeze!!! Who has time for that?? You know the ones, the guys who talk OVER you not TO you - who are more into hearing their own voice than that of others. The guy who ALWAYS has an opinion and deems himself an expert in the area. Yeah, those guys... the ones who induce internal eye-rolling.. the guys who NEED to be the centre of attention wherever they go. The ones who buy all the drinks just to SAY that they did. The guy who WANTS you to be well aware of what label he's wearing - ick. Just plain ick!

This blends well with guys who are ignorant, rude or demeaning towards others. NOTHING could be a bigger turn off - even bad breath is better than this! I have no time for people who are out to make others feel LESS THAN. You know them, the guy who treats the waitress like she should be kissing his a$$ or takes issue with people who have different lifestyles than they do.. etc.. This is the guy who's always shouting at other drivers in traffic - pathetic.

What else grosses me out? SLOBS.. people who don't care what they look like - who wear clothes with 'unintended holes' in them - who really don't give a shit what they look like going out the door. Who are not out to take care of themselves or their things. After all, if you don't care about yourself you'll likely carry the same lack of effort into a relationship. This category also includes the unhygienic type. I use to work with a guy who had these yellow pit-stains on every dress shirt he owned - the thought still turns my stomach to this day. You can also have a perfectly dressed fella, looks very well taken care of - but when you get him naked - LOOK OUT - no one wants to deal with a cheesy peen or hairy ball odour.. hurl!!

And how about the commitment-phobes? The guys who just won't jump in with both feet - always keeping the door slightly ajar?! You know them.. the ones who introduce you as their 'FRIEND' even tho they reap from all of the boyfriendly-benefits.. The guy who doesn't introduce you to his family or shelters you from seeing what he's like with his buddies. The guy who doesn't let you into his whole life - keeps you at arms length. The one who wants to have his cake and eat it too.

I may hear backlash from this turn off - but it's a BIG one for A LOT of ladies. And that is GAMERS.. yep, the grown men who are still buying the latest video games. Seriously??? WTF? Now, I'll admit to enjoying the initial fun of Guitar Hero one Christmas Holiday - but I wasn't out buying accessories or trying to 'beat the game' or whatever?!? I mean, some of these people have actual HEAD GEAR and spend a LOT of money on video games - not to mention how time consuming it is. So fellas, if you are a gamer - and not having so much luck with the ladies - perhaps it's time to change up the hobbies just a bit... Leave the games to the kids ;o)

And... last but not least, people who are FAKE. The ones who are out to impress you for the first 3 months then drop the ball completely. Or the ones who act one way to your face, and change the moment you are gone. This includes players, who act like the perfect boyfriend when they are with you but have a lot going on behind the scenes. There would be nothing worse than getting duped by someone who plays the FAKE game.

So, those are some of MY turn-offs - Yup, I'd much rather deal with something stuck in their teeth, or bad breath over these... Vote on the poll above, share your turn offs at chicktidbits@live.ca or comment below.

If you've managed to wrangle a partner who is turn-off-free - hold on tight!!


Chick xo!!