I honestly can't believe people who have predisposed judgements when it comes to what TYPE of cock they prefer. I mean, all Va-jay-jay's certainly don't look the same now do they?? And overall, once you're having sex.. it ALL feels good - I mean, unless a guy is 2" long or a woman is so loose you'd get more sensation from a bucket of hot water.. on looks alone, the cock/pussy connection is always a good thing!!
I suppose we can all have our ideals - Personally, one of the highlights of foreplay for me is putting my lips around the forskin on the tip and using my lips and tongue to work it back over the tip.. knowing I'm the one exposing that sensation is such a turn on!!! There is definitely a whole WORLD of sensitivity on an uncircumcised guy that a circumcised fella will just never truly be privy to. It's natural, and I even get worked up just thinking about it... It's the sexy hoddie that ever-so-thinly keeps my favourite fuck toy wrapped up - I admit it, I love that outline - and it makes me want to unwrap it with animalistic urges ;o) (it's getting HOT in here!!!!).
Now, I have had the unfortunate experience with some not so fantastic peens too. I am not a huge fan of a guy who'se foreskin doesn't go back when he's erect. I mean, the tip is such a kinky part of the penis - having that hidden during sex it's like... well, like you're missing something!?! I also think a lot of women THINK they prefer a circumcised cock for hygiene reasons alone. Well ladies, cut or uncut an unhygienic peen is NEVER appealing. So, as long as it's clean (as us chicks should be too!!!) once hard, cut or uncut doesn't make much of a difference to look at. Having had sex with both cut and uncut guys I am of the belief that the sensitivity level of an uncut cock trumps that of their cut comrades. For any girl who doesn't like the look of an uncut penis, I sure hope they've taken a look at the bacon sandwich between their own legs lol!!! Looks can be deceiving ;o) All that matters, is that it FEELS GOOD!!!!There is also a myth that the added sensitivity to an uncut fella means they won't last as long in bed. Ummmm.... how do I say this.... NOT TRUE!!!! Lasting is all based on control - having hold-back control is individually based and doesn't have anything to do with being cut or uncut. I'll never forget the 'cut' guy who came in his shorts when I kissed him - he certainly doesn't measure up to the guy who waits for my O's to hit double digits before he considers finishing ;o) I find that the exposure of a cut penis can make for a tip with somewhat less intensity.. constant exposure will do that.
So, for anyone fearing the hoddie fella - I hope I've opened your eyes... If you like the guy and the sex is good that's ALL that should matter - identifying who you'll date based on being cut or uncut is vain if you ask me.
Think what you will, the only facts that matter to me are the ones that get me off in the bedroom ;o)
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Cheers xo!
1 comment:
hot post.
"personally, one of the highlights of foreplay for me is putting my lips around the forskin on the tip and using my lips and tongue to work it back over the tip.."
"t's the sexy hoddie that ever-so-thinly keeps my favourite fuck toy wrapped up - I admit it, I love that outline - and it makes me want to unwrap it with animalistic urges ;o) (it's getting HOT in here!!!!)."
Wow, it is getting hot in here. :p
Thanks for discrediting some of those incredibly frustrating myths along the way, too. If you wash enough to keep the rest of your body clean, it will never be a problem. :p
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