I even went as far as to marry Jabba The Hut.. I can say that now because I've since moved on from that minor distraction ;o) I later learned of the nick-name some friends of the family had for us as a couple 'beauty and the beast' - thankfully my ex was referred to as the latter...
Unfortunately safe isn't always BETTER. In some cases, maybe it is - perhaps going with someone who appears safe can make life easier. Maybe they are heavier set or not so ea
sy on the eyes.. and perhaps that unconsciously puts our mind at ease for the risk of cheating - the less attractive our mate is, the less attractive they will be to others. Maybe you're shaking your head reading this now - but I'm sure, if you haven't experienced this phenomenon yourself - you can guess someone around you that has. I've known the odd guy or two who SETTLED down with the SAFE girl after being cheated on... went with the less attractive girl physically but went for the girl they felt was loyal. Knowing what I know about guys, I doubt they'd have gone that route had they not been burned first off. I know, it sounds shallow and vain - well, it kinda is... no one will admit this, but it's likely often the case after surviving a rough relationship.

I do believe you can have both, the attraction and the loyalty - a fine mix for sure - one we are all searching for. Ultimately if you're happy that's all that matters... I just think defense mechanisms tend to kick in when choosing a partner after a burn-experience.
Let me know what you think, email me at chicktidbits@live.ca, vote on the poll above, comment and come back often...
Chick xo!!
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