I wonder if any of the guys out there are taking pause now at what’s happened with Tiger Woods and Jesse Jam

Now, aside from causing irreparable damage to your relationship with your spouse... consider it double fold if you have children in the picture too. It’s one thing for your spouse to discover

I’m thinking most guys who have affairs aren’t CRAZY IN LOVE with their mistresses anyways... figuring they can stop things whenever they decide – not always the way the mistress thinks though. If asked what was more important to them – their wives/families or the mistress – the guys will almost always say that their wife/family means more to them of course... doesn’t mean they don’t want to take the mistress or potential mistress up on what they’re offering!
Most guys have an idea of what they’d like to see in a wife/mother-of-their-children type. And usually it’s NOT the same as what they would want from a mistress. A lot of guys want more sex from their wive

I always say it’s ONE THING if your marriage is in trouble and you could possible ‘see’ that you haven’t been close physically, etc... those weak moments in a relationship always have the potential to create outside interests. But to be completely blindsided (no pun intended Sandy) has to be the worst of the worst. It’s in those cases that I truly believe the guys think... they just wouldn’t get caught... because they probably were pretty happy with their marriages. Sure most people who have affairs aren’t in the public eye – but what about a workplace affair (which is often where it begins) – there probably isn’t as much consideration for how your career can be affected until it’s too late.. Or an affair with someone that your family knows as being part of your circle of friends.. it all has an affect that most involved in the affairs do not consider until all hell breaks loose.
I think the blindside affair has to be the LOWEST of the low. It’s the true con artist who convinces his spouse he’s completely in love and devoted while living a lie... having your cake and eating it too – is ALWAYS too good to be true. Wonder how Jesse's gonna feel when Sandy finds a new man to treat her right... yeah, that's another thing he SHOULD have considered before dipping his wang in the tattoo skank!
If you’re willing to take the risk, you have to really hate your spouse and expect to leave on ugly terms. Chances are that’s how it’s gonna break down – even if things to come to light long after an affair has ended...
That’s my two cents anyways.. vote on the poll, email me your topic suggestions to chicktidbits@live.ca, comment below and come visit me often!! Until next time... think long and hard before digging into the cookie jar kids ;o)
Chick xo
Chick xo