I think all a man wants is to be adored but MORE importantly, he wants the ease of getting pussy. I’ve come to this conclusion through my observations as a female and from recently watching THE BACHELOR. Here’s a guy (Jake) who has a choice between a quality woman who is seemingly PERFECT for him (Tenley) but who isn’t giving up the ‘tang’ so easily... Apparently sharing the same morals and values with the Bachelor – isn’t as important as the other woman (Vienna) who is an immature and abrasive extension wearing quack who very EASILY uses the cooter to get what she wants. Guess who he picked.... he is, after all, a man.
It became very clear on the overnight dates. Here’s Tenley – the perfect girl, who has

Even when the girls were faced with meeting Jake’s famiy...the pussy took precedence. Tenley met the family and fit in right away – they LOVED her!! She is, after all, perfect. Vienna went in and the initial reaction was that the family was NOT impressed. Yet, in swoops Jake to ensure they give her the benefit of the doubt – you know why – because she f.cked him good – that’s why! If roles were reversed, Tenley would have been a shoe in. I guess there is something to be said for having some experience under your belt versus saving yourself for marriage these days huh? Goes to show, that a man’s urges are top priority.

Jake is a guy who professes to be very ‘proper’ and a ‘good guy’... listens to his parents advice... thinks he holds himself to these high standards – In reality, he’s like every guy out there – They’re on the hunt for some good pussy and once they find it they wanna make sure they can have it whenever they like. Thing is, most guys end up suffering in the end for putting the needs of their cock ahead of the needs of their LIFE. Those who are able to find a balance between the two – have a RARE catch indeed. This is NOT the case here with the Bachelor. There is NO doubt in my mind that Vienna took him to the base... and when you’re in a competition for a man’s affection – that’ll crown you every time!
That’s the key, if you want to hold onto a guy – f.ck him like no one has, or could ever f.ck him again.
You see it all the time – in those ‘what does he see in HER??’ situations.... I’ll give you the answer 99.9% of the time... it’s all about the PUSSY!
Vote on the poll above, email me at chicktidbits@live.ca for any topic requests/ideas. Comment and come visit me often – I’ll keep more up to date with the blog – been slaggin’ it for a bit ;o)
p.s. for anyone secretly loving the Bachelor/Bachelorette show as I do – make sure to take a moment to read www.realitysteve.com – he knows his stuff and makes watching so much more worthwhile!
Chick xo
1 comment:
Ohhh god I soooooooo agree with you on this one. Maybe we'll see an after show were they break up and he asks the other one back.
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